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Monday, November 3, 2014

Dear Sir, I Quit.

Hi peeps, lama day tak conteng2 kat sini. Look at picture yang shu tepek pun sudah cukup untuk merungkai segala-galanya. Selepas 2 tahun setengah berkhidmat dgn company sekarang ni, akhirnya shu decided untuk cari job baru, yang shu fikir lebih menepati kehendak shu at this moment.

Yes, 2 tahun lebih bukan tempoh yang lama. Belum habis timba pengalaman pun, dah pulak nak cari job lain which Shu rasa it's inappropriate. But seriously, actually from the 1st day Shu join this company pun... shu dah rasa nak cari job lain. Tapi.... shu cuba pujuk diri sendiri, gigihkan diri... wait and see what I can gain. After 2 years, I think it's enough, not much in terms of job knowledge and skill I gain here and it's about time to move on. Nak level up pun seems like there is no opportunity at first. So... that's it... there the episode of updating resume and job hunting started.

What I want actually? At this point of time Shu still interested to explore further in the current I involve in. Baca keyword tu.... "further". Maksudnye in deep, dan shu nak gain experience in mana2 part yg belum shu sentuh lagi. For that, Shu kene selective dengan company yg shu nak apply. Ceeewahhh ... bajet macam bagus kan???? I know, shu x bagus mana pun, in fact skill yang shu ada pun minima je. So.... what I did was... shu apply job yang skill mentioned kat JD yg tak de kat shu. Kononnye.... kalau dapat, dapat la peluang buat benda2 tu, dapat la gain new skill. Huhuhuhu.... nampak tak kaedah ni, kaedah gaye x mo keje. Confirm la employer akan panggil candidate yang ada required skill kan.... but i don't care... if Shu apply job yang menepati skill yang Shu ada, shu rasa I will do the same task all over again. While my intention is to learn....So, shu kene cari jd yg lain skit. And kalau ada company yg sudi panggil interview, that's a bonus and I'll try my best.

Shu apply tak banyak pun... so dalam banyak2 tu ada la 2 company sangkut panggil interview. Yang 1st tu Failed. Biasa la... skill interview out time tu, boleh plak kenal dengan interviewer... hmmmm.... ape lagi???? Memang gugup yang luar biasa la... forget about it. Tak lama lepas tu dapat plak panggilan interview dari 2nd company. This round, take time to prepare. Kasi solid segala knowledge yang ada. Sebelum citer panjang lebar lagi... Shu nak bagitau yang Shu suka interviewer 2nd company ni. Dah berpuluh2 interview shu pergi, tapi interviewer ni, style nye lain pada yang lain. Masa interview tu, betul2 dia cungkil kelemahan shu with his own way. Dah rasa macam sesi motivasi dan membina jati diri plak. Perasaan sepanjang interview tu, mula2 rasa cool.... then start loosing confident... sampai terasa.. owh mannnn I should't say this way. In any of his questions, he's not only taking my input but he also gave his input in every of my answers. And his input is worth to hear for future improvement. Tapi time tu memang dah loose hope dah la kan. Until a moment he starts asking questions which boost up my confident again. Pulakkkk dah.... nampak tak betapa bercampur2 perasaan shu masa sesi interview tu. Giler emosi!!!!

Owh... sesi interview ni ada 2 stages. Kalau pass 1st stage - face2face then proceed to 2nd stage which is written test related to position applied. So... dipendekkan cerita, at the end of the session boleh plak dia tanye patut ke dia kasi shu written test? Dengan confidentnye jawab Why not? Hahahahahaah. Maka dapat la Shu ke stage berikutnye.... written test ala2 assignment. Interviewer email soalan and do it over the weekend.

Lepas submit test, tak lama pun dah dapat result. Adehhh... panjang lagi ceritanye... tapi malas nak sambung aci tak?

See ya in next new story ;)