Banyak perkara yang berlaku dalam tahun ni tapi tak sempat nak coretkan kat sini. My life nowadays more or less surrounding by my family and work only. But... the biggest thing and exciting happening is i'm becoming a preggy mom again which is very very unexpected. Very unexpected.
So apa perasaanya bila dapat tahu that i'm expecting at first? Seriously shock, clueless, speechless, really ar? it's a mixed feeling or maybe no feeling.. I supposed this shouldn't happened with the prevention i've taken.
Yang sebenarnya, penambahan ahli keluarga baru, memang tiada dalam senarai perancangan tahun ini. This year's mission mainly to focus on my career which all these while I left it a bit behind with intention to focus on my family. So, it's time for me to work hard, furthermore I've taken up a new role in the project that need my full attention and commitment. Yes, family is always family at the top of my priority. Nevertheless, I need to work on my passion towards my career, re-build and expanding my skill.
Back to the story of being a preggy mom again, I was a little sad at 1st, but who am I to deny what Allah has plan and set for me. It took a while for me to accept this fact. Here's the chronology
18/4/2017 - 1st Pregnancy test
03/5/2017 - 2nd test to re-confirm as I still don't believe that I'm pregnant. Ingatkan clearblue tester ni boleh la bagi tau exact weeks we get pregnant, rupenye takat tu je. sebab kalau ikutkan kandungan dah 6-7 weeks.
08/5/2017 - After keep on delaying, finally seek the gynae. From the scanned results, I was 7 weeks pregnant.
20/8/2017 - At week 20, registered my pregnancy at Klinik Kesihatan. sangat lewat, memang tadah telinga je lah. Uols jangan ikut okay. Sebenarnya sengaja melewat2kan, malas nak gi follow up check up. Time tu project tengah peak, dah tu tiap kali appointment confirm 3-4 jam. Jangan buang masa, nevertheless Shu still scan from month to month kat private clinic untuk memastikan condition baby dalam keadaan baik dan consume vitamin2 yg diperlukan (walaupun tak consistent hihihi). Masa 1st check up kat KK, terus dah tau gender baby.
Alhamdulillah, seperti pregnancy yg sebelum2 ni, Shu tak hadapi masalah sangat, morning sickness consider hampir tiada, setakat mual2 tua adalah. 1st trimester berat menurun sebab kurang selera makan, agak selective bab makan time ni. Tunggang terbalik dengan keje pon yer gak, makan tak menentu, mana yg sempat je. Mengantuk sepanjang masa, pantang ada masa free skit like lunch hour, mesti take nap. Nasib work from home, boleh la nak bernappy2.
Minggu lepas buat MGTT pon, Alhamdulillah negative kencing manis, lega rasanya, sebab masa mengadungkan Ajwa, Shu ada kencing manis, hampir2 nak kene force beranak. Doc pesan kene jaga2 gak pemakanan sebab keputusan tu sipi2 dengan kencing manis.
Pengalaman mengandung kali ni hampir serupa dengan pengalaman mengandung anak pertama. (ehem ehem..hint2 utk gender baby).
Now, keadaan dah tenang sikit, project dah habis, no more stress2, just enjoy the sweet time fot the rest of pregnancy period.