Alhamdulillah. Our Little prince in the house. Now, I am a mother to ....
محمد ثقلین
Day 1: Fresh from mama's womb |
Full Name:
Mohammad Saqlain bin Hamid Mehmood
3rd May 2011 (delayed 2 days from EDD)
10 am
3.216 kg
48 cm
Head measurement:
33 cm
Delivery mothod:
SVD (Normal)

Alhamdulilah shuuu.. comelnye.. ya Allah.. bestnya.. congrats2.. selamat berpantang ye ;)
ReplyDeletecongrates n slmt berpantang :)
ReplyDeletetahniah kak,,chomel bb akk
ReplyDeletetahniah shu..
ReplyDelete*pk baru tau SVD tu normal delivery.. hehe
congratulationsss!!!! comel nya pun sodapp
ReplyDeletecongratulation shu...comelnya ur lil prince.amacam pengalaman meneran?best kan? hahaha.ko jg diri baik2 tau. pantang elok2.
ReplyDeletetahniah syu..comel nye mohammad saqlain..nnt dh sembuh sikit, boleh la syu story pasal pengalaman bersalin pulak ye..
ReplyDeleteoh comelnya dia..mmg pic fresh from oven nih..hehe...selamat berpantang shu..
ReplyDeletetahniahhh..bestnyerr! baby chomel!!
ReplyDeletelink ur blog ye..mom2be.. =)
congrats shu!!! finally!! wahhh baby May jugakk! :)
ReplyDeleteur baby is sooooo adorable! tak sabarnya nak jumpa my cekenit jugakkk! huhuhu...
u take care k, and get well soon shu!
comeynye baby..sangat gebuss..hehe..btw, following ur blog.. =)
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah shu,da selamat...comelnye baby ya Allah..gebus mulus je tgk..selamat berpantang k mommy! =)
ReplyDeleteshu.. tahniah.. chumelnya Saqlain.. muah muah.. tuk baby ye.. nnt cerita laa pengalaman bersalin kat UMMC tu..
ReplyDeletetahniah shu...selamat berpantang
ReplyDeletealolololo comelnyaaa. fresh. TAHNiAH Shu. clap-clap-clap. Berpantang elok2 ye, nnt boleh pasang badan ;)
ReplyDeleteassalamualaikum SaQlain. ni aunty ch@ kita sama bintang.
Salam kenal... kita sama2 dlm group baby may rose.. :) tp nmpk gaya awk yg dulu..
ReplyDeleteTahniah.. comelnya baby.. semoga sihat dan selamat berpantang ye..
Hi Shu,
ReplyDeleteCongrats!! baby kite sama birthday :)