Alhamdulillah, I'm getting more comfortable with my new life, happy and happier. Keadaan sekarang ini sangat membahagiakan. Kurang stress berbanding waktu sebelum kahwin. Bersyukur sangat2 dengan anugerah ini dan akan cik shu hargainya.
Mr. Hubby semakin concern dengan bayi dalam kandungan ini. Last week dia ada tanya, "How to make baby to be genius?".
Balas Cik Shu, "I had read about Jewish formula where once a lady get to know that she is pregnant, they will start practice few routine such as singing, playing piano, solve the mathematical problems in order to develop the baby's brain to be genius".
Cik Shu tambah lagi, "But we're as muslim, on top of that we are advised to always read the Quran in this period".
Balas Cik Shu, "I had read about Jewish formula where once a lady get to know that she is pregnant, they will start practice few routine such as singing, playing piano, solve the mathematical problems in order to develop the baby's brain to be genius".
Cik Shu tambah lagi, "But we're as muslim, on top of that we are advised to always read the Quran in this period".
Sudah menjadi rutin harian, lepas solat subuh, hubby mengaji Quran. Cik Shu sambung tido lepas solat Subuh. Eeeee, buruknye perangai. Hari biasa tak mampu la nak ngaji lepas Subuh, ngantuk sangat tapi Cik Shu akan pastikan untuk ngaji lepas solat Maghrib. Sabtu Ahad baru join Mr. Hubby ngaji sama2.
So, dalam minggu ni, Cik Shu hairan sebab, lepas solat subuh Mr. hubby masuk bilik bawak Quran (biasanya mengaji kat ruang solat berjemaah @ kat luar). Pastu pandang Cik Shu yang nak sambung tidur, then keluar dari bilik.
Semalam, hubby bersuara, "Ve, after this, after Subuh prayer, you don't switch off the light because I want to read the Quran for baby. I want to touch your stomach while reading the Quran. But everytime i want to do that, you switch off the light".
Cik Shu: "Oh, really ar?. Ok, tomorrow i won't switch off the light. But... I want to sleep, I still can sleep right?".
Mr. Hubby: "Ok, you just sleep la."
Maka, hari ini Cik Shu tidur selepas Subuh sambil diiringi bacaan Quran daripada Mr. hubby. Inilah kasih sayang seorang bapa sebelum anaknya dilahirkan dimuka bumi ini. Moga2 baby dengar bacaan Quran itu dan melonjak2 keriangan sebab tak sabar2 nak berjumpa dengan mama dan babanye.
"Baby... mama dan baba love baby so much, we will do the best that we can. Jadi anak yang soleh/solehah yer sayang".