Exactly 1 and half year, I worked for NGA. Sincerely, it was a different feeling from what i felt when I left Nexbis previously. There is no reason to leave NGA but there is no reason to reject a good offer too. Decision has made and 8th May 2012 was my last day in NGA. Yup, it was 2 weeks ago. Sedih tau! sob.. sob...
The last thing to be returned. Inilah benda yang Shu bawak kehulu ke hilir. |
Masih ingat lagi, masa nak tender my resignation, Aduhai...punya lah susah. Berhari2 email dok dalam draft. Satu keputusan yang di luar jangkaan. Tak terlintas pun dalam fikiran nak tukar keje sebab rasanya macam baru je company ni. In fact, tak apply pun mana2 job. Tapi.... gatalkan, orang panggil interview, dengan slumbernye attend interview tu. Kalau dah namanya rezeki, takkan nak tolak pulak. I tell you, it was very very hard decision to make.
I was happy working in NGA, love the working environment and the people as well. Tak sempat nak kenal dengan semua staff dalam department tu dah nak blah. Anyway, NGA provides a good working experience, benefits and definitely i won't forget it. Bila Shu dah accept a new job offer,of course the benefits and offer are better but ada jugak certain area yang NGA lebih.
My temporary cubicle. Sepanjang keje kat sini, dah beberapa kali tukar tempat duduk. Memang takkan ada tempat duduk tetap. |
Key chains collection. Colleagues kat sini, asalkan pergi travel or outstation suka bawak balik buah tangan. |
My current project and name of each team members. Lepas ni kene turun la nama tu. |
All of us in Securex From right at front line:- Huei Chee, Syida, Fakhri, Kak Fiza, Ayu & LiPyn At the back :- Me and Yuzreen |
Thanks for the gift. Sure i'll put on my table in new office |
With Ayu and Yuzreen at in front of GTS aquarium |
Shu pun dapat gak gift dari colleagues yang lain. Serius sangat terharu. Korang betul2 buat aku sedih and make me feel not to leave you guys. Saqlain pun dapat hadiah tau.
Gift from Gee, Securex team, fiza & sikin |
Hey guys, if you are reading here, the ICT industry in Malaysia is very tiny, as long as we’re still in the same industry, we will, indeed, meet again, one day. Gonna miss everyone in NGA

eh dpt keje kat ne Shu? aku gak xpindah2 lagi tempat keje...masih disini...bila tgk org keje company baru, cm teringin gak...tapi ntahla...huhu
ReplyDeletehehehe hello!
ReplyDeletewow...dh lama tak baca blog..tup2 baca dh babai NGA..
Anyway..hermm..all the best to u!
SAP is very small world, we'll bump to each other never know.
so, where next? :)
shu....aku dah mula rindu kat ko!!
ReplyDeletepagi tadi terbayang2 shu baru masuk opis sampai kat tempat duduk haha emo!! perasaan sahaja rupanya :P
Yup Dahlia, dah seminggu bekerja dari ofice baru. Kalau rasa ko perlu move adan mahukan perubahan, just go for it. Be strong.
ReplyDeleteweh..apesal aku tak tau ko dah takde kat opis? siap dah masuk opis baruuuuuuuuuuu??? ya allah... tak sempat aku nak kiss2 hug2 muahhhh muahhh ngn koooooo...... apesal ek apesal ek aku leh tak tau???? huarghhhhhhhhh sedeyyyy sob2...!! sib baik ade blog ni wehhh.. tak la aku terasa kehilangan.. cewah...ok2 jgn lupa upload tmpat baru tau... weh. ko keje company mana ni??
ReplyDeleteThanks Hasnor, mana menghilang? blog pun dah bersawang tu, what's up? By the way, i'm no more in SAP line.
ReplyDeleteAyu, I'm touched. rindu jugak dengan ayu and the gang. I'm alone here, kene built up new relationship here. Of course will take some time. Dulu masa masuk NGA, Shu ada ayu dok sebelah, shu tak terasa macam orang baru, happening je rasanya.
Linda, ko biar betul, bukan ko ada ke masa aku bagi apam polkadot kat budak2 opis. Hari tu la last day aku. Didn't I mention to you?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, walaupun sudah terpisah opis, biarkan dunia blogging menjadi penghubung kita. Nice to know u.
ooo dah tukar keje ye.. haah dulu2 masa ain kenal shu.. shu masuk company NGA.. now dah g company baru.. alhamdulilah rezeki..
ReplyDeletehope shu suka hadiah tu :) dan isi dlm nya hihih xtau nak beli apa..tu yg cpt dpt grab..take care..
ReplyDeleteFiza, of course shu suka. I guess the isi di dalam was bread pudding right. Tapi bread pudding in classy version, the taste was so yummyyyyyyy....